AWS Certified Solutions Architect: Amazon Web Services (AWS) is one of the most-used cloud services in the industry. This certification establishes your skills when it comes to managing AWS applications and infrastructure.
Google Certified Professional Cloud Architect: Google's cloud architect certification asses your ability to design, plan, manage and provision cloud solution architecture and infrastructure. It also covers security and compliance, analysis and optimization of cloud architecture.
IBM Cloud Computing Solution Architect: This certification demonstrates your ability to "design, plan, architecture and management principles of an IBM cloud computing infrastructure."
With more than a million active customers, AWS delivers flexibility, scalability, and reliability. Some of the companies currently harnessing big data in AWS are General Electric, IBM, Splunk, and the Weather Company. You may even find yourself working for a medical company and building a solution to map patients' genomes to predict diseases. If you love to travel, you might land yourself a job at Expedia, which uses AWS to host its "Expedia Service," a travel suggestion service. Let's not forget one of AWS's biggest customers, Netflix. Netflix entrusts AWS with highly-available and fault-tolerant content delivery of its films and media. Due to the sheer volume and fluctuating usage patterns of its customer base, Netflix relies on Amazon's infrastructure capabilities for rapid scaling, server, and storage deployment. I can only imagine that they have employed hundreds if not thousands of AWS Solutions Architects.
Microsoft Azure is the fastest growing cloud provider for building, testing, deploying, and managing applications and services through Microsoft-managed data centers. A few companies that are using Azure include Adobe, Apple iCloud, Ebay, Travelocity, Samsung, Xerox, the NFL, and NBC. Become a certified Microsoft Azure Solutions Architect, and then search through the thousands of available Azure Cloud Architect positions.
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